Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The One and The Many


tHe "I" oF rIa


The One and the Many

The macrocosmos and the microcosmos, the Universal and the individual, all arise from the one truth. They are manifestations and emergents of that truth which is not affected by either. That truth is known as Formless God. When this unmodifiable, transcendent, and immanent Formless God, instead of just "being", decides on "becoming", that consciousness is best designated as "God", "Iswara" or "Almighty". The Divine ground of everything that is, is the spiritual Absolute called Paramatman, or Overself. It is also the ground, the base, the core, the reality of man.


But in spite of "becoming", which is only an illusion imposing multiplicity on the One Being, it remains one. So long as inquiry is postponed, only the multiplicity is known. The multiplicity is neither real nor unreal. it is relatively real, temporarily real, pragmatically real, mithya, - a combination of truth and falsehood, apparently real but fundamentally unreal, real for most practical purposes, but unreal when the basic nature is unraveled. Mithya is the mixture of truth and falsehood, the knowledge of the serpent which is negated when the knowledge of the rope is won (i.e. a rope seen in darkness appears to be a snake until the light reveals it to be unreal).


The clouds appear to be stuck to the sky; so, too, maya (the tendency to conclude that what the senses tell us is true, or to project our preferences and prejudices on to the world around us) gives us an untrue picture of the Formless God. It makes us believe that the world is real. Its impact warps our reasoning process, our sensory impressions, and our views on God, on creation, and on man. It spreads before us a diversity which tantalizes and deceives.


The basic truth upon which primal illusion projects its kaleidoscope is described by seers as the Omnipresent Universal Consciousness (Sath-Chith-Ananda). This does not mean that the Formless God has three attributes: namely, It exists beyond time and space, It knows and can be known, and It is the source and acme of bliss. They are not three distinct characteristics; they indicate the One, of which the three can be grasped by experience - not by words, for words can only recoil before that Godhead. We cannot assert that the Formless God belongs to a class or genus, nor can it be defined by the three basic qualities. It cannot be described as performing any specific activity, for It is ever motionless. Nor can it be explained in terms of relationship with other entities, for It is One, without a second.

Illusion is only the Divine Will that inaugurated the manifestation of the cosmos - "I am one; I will to become many". Illusion is inherent in every being and every activity of that being; it has three aspects of achievement through the three modes and moods of that Will - the calm, contented, equanimous mood; the potent, passionate mood; and the inert, slothful, sluggish mood (called the three gunas of Sathvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic qualities). When illusion prompts us into the calm, wholesome mood of that Will, we become progressive seekers of the higher wisdom that reveals the unity. When we are overwhelmed by the passionate quality of that Will, we are deluded into the pursuit of worldly victories and ephemeral wealth and renown. The inert nature of that will seeks the quickest and easiest ways of happy living. These are the reflections in our minds of the basic modes of that Will that the Formless God assumes when It is moved by the primal urge to express Itself. The facets of
that Will are called wisdom, yearning, and action.

The three modes affect beings and things in various proportions and orders, and so we have all the variety and diversity of the objective world. God, individualized or universalized, is One only. The individual soul and the Universal Cosmic Soul are one and indivisible.


The philosophers of all lands and all times have sought to discover the truth about God, the objective world, and man as well as their mutual relationship. Illusion is the will that causes all three. It is a clear flawless mirror. When the calm nature is reflected in that mirror, God results; when the passionate nature is reflected, the individual soul or individualized self results. It is ever anxious to grow, to grasp, to survive, and to be secure. When inert nature is reflected, matter (the objective world) is the result. All three are the Universal Soul, but they derive their reality as Its reflections. When undergoing reflection, they attain different forms and combinations of characteristics. The One becomes many; every one of the many is real only because of the One in it. Illusion too is a component of the One; by the emphasis on that component, the One transforms itself into the many.

We know that the illusion is like a mirror. The mirror reflects within itself all that is before it. The convexity or concavity of the mirror or the covering of dust that might have settled on it will certainly blur the reflected image, but it cannot distort the objects themselves. God, world of matter, and individual soul, all three are images of the Universal Soul reflected in the mirror of illusion and warped by the human characteristics that tarnish the surface of the mirror. It is the mirror that pictures the One as many. But the One is ever One.


Neither the personalized God, nor the individualized self, nor even the objective world can ever succeed in discovering the beginning of the illusion which brought them into existence and started the chain of "act - consequence - act". Nevertheless, one can succeed in knowing when the illusion will end! When will it end? When the objective world is ignored, set aside, denied, or discovered to be inherent in the Divine, then the individual soul is no more. When the individual soul is no more, the Creator is also superfluous and disappears. And when the Creator has faded out, the Formless God alone is. Where there is no child, how can a mother exist? It is a word with no significance. When a personalized God (1), a personality separate from the rest called soul (2), and the mental creation of that soul called the objective world (3) are nonexistent in the developed consciousness of man; illusion, the forefather of all three, cannot persist.


When space is enclosed in a pot, it appears limited and small. But once released from the container, it again merges with the infinite sky. The sky is not reduced or transformed in shape or quality by being held in the container. So, too, the One Universal Soul that is pervading the bodies and lives of billions of beings is not affected by the container (body) to which it adheres for some time.


Many are affected by the problem of what caused the cosmos. How did it come into being? They advance various ideas and lay down many opposing hypotheses. But there is no need for seekers to beat about the bush so much. Just as a dream results when one is cut off from reality while in a state of sleep, the cosmos is a result of being cut off from reality by illusions while in a state of ignorance. The cosmos is as ephemeral and vagarious as a dream. It is difficult to discover laws that explain or govern its infinite mysteries. More profitable than inquiring into the mysteries is the inquiry into possible ways of benefiting by them and learning from them. It is mostly a waste of time to probe into the origin of the cosmos or to determine how it will end. You are a part of creation, so try to understand yourself and keep your goal in view


The individual has emotional, passionate, and active qualities in his composition. The quality that is inferior is the inert quality; that which is superior is the calm quality. The Creator is the wholesome reflection of the Formless God. Therefore, man must strive to rise higher into the wholesome, good realm. He must be ever vigilant not to slide down into the lower realm - the inert realm of matter and material pursuits. The teacher has to hold this ideal before the pupil and guide him towards it. He must encourage the pupil to become aware of the God within man. The word "spiritual" is used often by aspirants and instructors. What exactly is implied by "spiritual"? Is devotional singing or congregational prayer spiritual? Or does it involve repeating the Lord's name or meditation? Or does it denote religious rituals and ceremonies? Or does it extend to pilgrimages and holy places? No. These are only beneficial acts. Spiritual in its real sense relates to two progressive achievements or at least to sincere attempts towards those two achievements: elimination of the animal traits still clinging to man and unification with the Divine.


Consider how far man has succeeded in overcoming the animal inheritance of lust, greed, and hate when he spends time, money, and energy in these so called spiritual exercises. What progress does he make by listening to exponents of texts? Has man become any less bestial? This is the inquiry, this is the assessment for man to be engaged in, though this is the very task ignored by him at present.


Embodiments of the Divine Atma (God within)!

In truth, man is the encased Atman (God in flesh). He is the repository of the Infinite, Ever-full, One, Indivisible Atman (Spirit). Man, at best, remains man, satisfied with the desire to bring about goals dominant in him. Many are content with their dealings with the objective, pleasure-seeking world. Their ideal is only to amass material wealth and satisfy material needs. Examine yourselves and discover at which level you are by analyzing your desires and activities. In this way, you can yourselves redirect your thoughts and urges.


Your revised urges must have a beneficial impact on your activities, for it is through activity that human characteristics are given up or gained. Activity causes birth and death and fills up the years of one's life. It supports good and evil, joy and grief.


However, man is willfully unaware of the activities that will lighten the burden of his life and also illumine the God within. It is the inner God that illumines all, but man is in the dark about its existence. Just as everything sweet is sweet because of the sugar it contains, all things and objects are cognized because the God within is behind the cognition. It is the Universal Witness. It is the sun that activates all but never gets activated itself. You, too, must establish yourself in the position of a witness.


Fulfillment consists in rooting out the animal that lurks in man and reaching out to the Divinity that is his essence.


We find individuals and groups trudging from one sacred place to another in search of peace and prosperity. Have they rid themselves of even a few of their animal propensities? That is the test; that is their justification for the money and time they have spent and the troubles they have undergone.


When the animal is conquered and Godhead is felt within reach, man can assert that all these pilgrimages are within him. He then has no need to travel from temple to temple. And without achieving this victory you have no right to claim that you are a devotee of Rama, or Krishna, or of any other incarnation of the Lord.

This is real spiritual progress.



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Gratitude Affirmations



Thank you

♥Thank You And Blessings to ♥
Somewhere there is a dream, dreaming us

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~~Gratitude Affirmations~~

I am thankful for all the I have, for all that I don't have, and for all that I have been given here and now. Everything in my life, every thought, feeling, face, moment, and situation is a divine gift and I am wholeheartedly thankful.


Knowing that the Universe is my unlimited source of supply, I walk in the way of success and prosperity.  Thank you to EVERYTHING and Everyone, for all You have provided me—now and always.


This day, I am content.
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I am grateful for all that is and is not Here Now.


I am thankful for this physical vehicle I call my body - I am thankful for all the work it does. I give it my loving attention, and it gives to me the gifts of this physical experience.


I am thankful for the creative thoughts that rise and allow me to perceive all that is here now.


I am thankful for all the help, guidance, and support that is constantly coming to me.


I am thankful for the whole of the experiences in this life. I am thankful for my family, my friends, and everyone I meet in this experience…and for everyone and everything I won't meet.


I am constantly in the almighty presence of the whole, and I am grateful for the life, love, energy, and power of it in my life.


I see evidence of Life's goodness everywhere around me, and my heart is filled with gratitude.


I am grateful to Life for this faith, this wisdom, and this experience, and I give thanks now for all the gifts that are here and coming to me.


I give thanks for divine abundance that flows to me and through me to bless my world. All that is best for me is here now and coming to me in the right way and at the right time.


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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Secret of The Secret

From: Dharmacist

Some enlightening information on the making of THE SECRET DVD

Thanks to:

IN AGREEMENT ~ THANX : self :: fullfilling :: prophecy



This is perfect for those of you having a hard time with this video... The Secret is harmless if you ask me... It grazes the surface most definitely but it is a tool to open us up... Those who criticize it... to each their own, you will find what you need somewhere else of course... diversity. I find the teachings of Abraham-Hicks much more useful than The Secret's. But there is no judgement, just a preference of ingredients in my reality.

peace doves flowers

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Get Out of The Way

From: RareBreeze

You are not creating through action therefore effort and energy and time
are irrelevant. You are creating vibrationally through energy which
gives you huge leverage.

So you could create hundreds of things simultaneously because you did
the Step 1 - the asking - incrementally.

You didn't just today set forth all of those things in motion. You've
been setting them in motion, they've been evolving, they've been
expanding and now you have done Step 1 - you've already asked.

Step 2...source has already answered that so everything's already lined
up and in place.

So your work is to pick anything from among that that delights you, give
it your attention, not because it needs your attention but because it
feels good to give it your attention, use it as your excuse to come into
alignment with who you are and when you are in alignment with who you
are, all of those things that you have already put over there in
vibrational escrow begin expanding, evolving.

You do not have to orchestrate the path through which things unfold.
It's all tended to at a broader level.

You just have to get out of the way so that you can see the
opportunities as they come.

Los Angeles, CA, 04/01/07

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Universal Laws

Universal Laws
1. The Law of Divine Oneness:
The Law of Divine Oneness helps us to understand that we live in a world where everything is connected to everything else. Everything we do, say, think and believe affects others and the universe around us.
2. The Law of Vibration:
This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.
3. The Law of Action:
The Law of Action must be applied in order for us to manifest things on earth. Therefore, we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions and words.
4. The Law of Correspondence:
This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below.”
5. The Law of Cause and Effect:
This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or consequence and we “reap what we have sown.”
6. The Law of Compensation:
This Universal Law is the Law of Cause and Effect applied to blessings and abundance that are provided for us. The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in gifts, money, inheritances, friendships, and blessings.
7. The Law of Attraction:
This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.
8. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy:
This Universal Law states that all persons have within them the power to change the conditions in their lives. Higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change.
9. The Law of Relativity:
This Universal Law states that each person will receive a series of problems (Tests of Initiation) for the purpose of strengthening the Light within. We must consider each of these tests to be a challenge and remain connected to our hearts when proceeding to solve the problems. This law also teaches us to compare our problems to others’ problems and put everything into its proper perspective. No matter how bad we perceive our situation to be, there is always someone who is in a worse position. It is all relative.
10. The Law of Polarity:
This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.
11. The Law of Rhythm:
This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.
12. The Law of Gender:
This Universal Law states that everything has its masculine (yang) and feminine (yin) principles, and that these are the basis for all creation. The spiritual Initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within herself or himself to become a Master and a true co-creator with God.

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What If....

From: vini
Thank you Lauren &:
Take Infinite Care

What If God?

There have been so many authors, speakers, mystics, and gifts of insights into the process of manifestation that they number too many to count. What has all of this taught us? It’s taught us that we are masters of our own reality and that we have the power to create.

What’s next? What do we do with the knowledge that we have and still are acquiring? Is it enough that we imagine that, somewhere in the ethers, an endless string of bright red sports cars and SUVs await our engaging thoughts and come into our reality? Would it be enough if suddenly the skies began to rain drops of gold so that all people on Earth would be wealthy? Or is there more? Has all of the teaching been leading up to something else?

At this point, I am filled with words and insights and thoughts to the degree that I could write an entire book. And maybe that’s what’s meant to be. But for this moment, for this article, I’ll try to keep it brief. If you get confused about anything I’m saying, or why I might be saying it, please read back through the blogs I’ve been posting since July, ’06. There’s a lot of information about the experiences that drive me to be so dogged about bringing my point of view to the surface.

With that being said, I’ll backtrack just a bit. When I “died” I found myself in the purest essence of love and God that could be imagined. Imagine it. And then multiply what you’re imagining times 1,000. And you would be getting close to what I experienced. Then I found myself back on Earth in the gray shadows of reaching and tears of confusion. How could this enormous reality of God and love and pure light be existing in the very air I was breathing, and yet I could not live in it? Instead I was living in the solid reality of pain and suffering that exists here on Earth. The quest to make sense of it all, because obviously there has to be a good reason, became primary. It’s remained primary for all of the years since then.

The bottom line is that, no matter how you see or imagine or think of God, we are living within that essence, that reality, that is God. If we set aside the argument about who or what God is, we will probably agree that there is something far, far greater than we understand. Something that has created the entirety of existence.

Because we are living within that existence, we are a part of that existence. Which means we are a part of God, no matter what semantics we use to describe it all.

If we agree on that, and if we agree that something vast lies beyond our comprehension and that we will enter back into that vastness when we “die,” then the task of living consciously with respect to our infinite future falls upon us. Why? Because this lifetime is a momentary experience in our infinite history. What we do, or do not do, in this lifetime has an impact on the history of our soul.

Now if that seems too much to ask, too ridiculous to contemplate in the face of our daily lives, consider the possibility that maybe if we incorporate thoughts of our infinite reason for being, the lives we live here on Earth will calm down. Maybe we haven’t found inner peace because that silent, infinite part of ourselves is not so silent. Maybe it’s clamoring for attention, trying to tell us that the answers lie there, not in the glove box of that pretty little SUV.

Let’s go back for a minute to acquiring riches and dreams. There’s not a thing wrong with achieving all that we desire … as long as it’s in alignment with our soul’s reason for incarnating on Earth. But how many people who “have it all” are genuinely at peace? When we acquire instant wealth, are we forever joyous, perfectly healthy, never-endingly peaceful? Nope. Not that I’ve seen anyway.

And so what’s missing? Is there a hidden path to peace? One that we can uncover and actually understand to the degree that we can live it?

The very actuality of living a tangible life on a planet with six billion other souls, all of whom have their own thoughts, feelings, opinions, judgments, and desires, many of which don’t match ours, makes peace on Earth questionable at best. Add to that the maladies, illnesses, catastrophes, and pains and we have a reality that makes it seemingly impossible to find any kind of peace at all.

This is where the quest to bridge the gap between the reality of God and the reality of Earth-life always landed me. The God I met was pure love. How does pure love, love that has the power to heal all, fit in with the suffering on Earth? Why is the suffering allowed to continue? Why, if we are as one with the glory, power, and love of God that I have spent so much time with, can’t we as a society create a reality that rises above all of this suffering?

What if …… What if each person began to live each moment with the conscious thought that they are infinite souls who carry the responsibility of expressing God (our own infinite souls) through every thought, word, action, and deed? What if, by being fully conscious, we lived by being fully aware of the fact that every moment is an opportunity to express Divine Grace? What if the call to be our own divinity was stronger than the call of pain? What if, when the argument gets heated, the voice of God spoke instead of the voice of rage? What if the touch of God replaced the touch of hate? What if………

What if merging our lives with God and our own divinity and infinity could ease all of the pain we feel?

Lauren Zimmerman
Copyright, 2007

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Friday, May 25, 2007

You Experience What You Allow

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: self :: fullfilling :: prophecy

There are no accidents or mistakes in the Universe. Every person, situation and experience that you have is one that you have allowed in your reality. Each lesson that you work through is one that your soul has allowed you to learn for your spiritual growth. The most powerful moment that you can experience at any point on your path is to realize that you allow your reality to unfold in the most perfect way possible, at every moment. You allow the easy and the difficult, love and fear, joy and sadness to be what you experience. All of these energies are available to you and what you live with is what you allow.

No other person has power over your reality other than what you allow them to have. No other person is able to add to or take away from your power unless you allow them to. Even your soul lessons occur because you allow them to happen. The energy of allowing is a powerful tool that only you can use and the Universe responds to what you allow. The thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you apply to what you allow determines what will unfold in your life.

When you have no fear you remove your connection to anything that carries that energy and you allow only the highest vibrations in your reality. Each step towards fear, towards believing that you are not deserving, not powerful, not divine, allows these energies into your reality and every aspect of your life will reflect this. When you allow your Highest Good to be manifested at all times, then you are telling the Universe that this is what you will allow and it will respond accordingly.

The energy of allowing is the key to understanding how the Universe works with you to create your reality. If you feel powerless in your life remember that you allow the energies that are present to be there. Shifting them is merely a change in focus on what you will allow. Change cannot happen until you change what you allow to unfold in your world. When you shift your energy you also shift the energy of everything around you and allow your reality to become one that brings you joy. This week, consider what you are allowing in your reality. What energies are you using to create that and are you ready to shift them into something that will bring you greater joy, peace and love?

~thanks for sharing~
Jiva Kateji

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The Lazy Man's Guide To Enlightenment

The Lazy Man's Guide To Enlightenment

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