Saturday, April 14, 2007


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Galactic Consciousness*
Date: Apr 14, 2007 8:07 PM

From: Divine Love
Date: Apr 14, 2007 7:54 PM

From: TREYYA&trade

Your Inner Being
As Your Greatest Resource
by Owen Waters

Your inner being - your soul or higher self - is not something
that you have. It is what you are.

Your complete consciousness is your inner being. All of the
so-called parts of your mind - the conscious, the subconscious
and the superconscious parts - are all facets of your one,
complete consciousness, your inner being.

Your conscious mind is the result of your inner being focusing
attention upon the outer world through your physical brain and
senses. When, instead, you turn your attention from the outer
world towards the inner world, you access the resources of your
inner being.

Your inner being possesses all of the wisdom, understanding
and strength that you will ever need. It is your ultimate,
personal resource. Your inner being is also your link with the
universe and with the consciousness behind all life, Infinite

If you think of yourself as living your life like a performer
on stage, then your inner being is like the backstage
technician who makes sure that your performance has all the
support that it needs to make everything happen on cue.

The amount of knowledge and wisdom available within you is
unlimited. In order to access it, you only have to make an
intention to go within and find it.

Your subconscious mind runs all of your biological systems
without conscious effort on your part. In fact, if you think
about it, the subconscious mind of an ant knows more about
biology and chemistry than today's leading scientists.

Your inner being knows even more; in fact, everything about
anything you want to know anything about. The trick is to ask
the question and then silence your conscious mind enough to
hear the answer.

When you become consciously aware of the true nature of your
inner being and its resources of wisdom, understanding and
strength, you begin to dissolve many of the former limitations
to your growth.

The key to expressing your human potential is to know that all
potential lies within you and you only have to open an external
channel in order to allow that unlimited potential to flow out
into the world.

The power is within. You don't need to become empowered, you
just need to realize that you already have that power within,
then allow that inner potential to flow into your life.

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Nightingale-Conant: You Become What You Think

"How You Feel Determines What You Attract."

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------

Very true!! A nice reminder!

Divine Gratitude to the Beautiful

Thank You



The ones who work the hardest usually have the least. That doesn't seem fair does it? But that's how the universe works.

Unfortunately, those who work the hardest usually have the least because they haven't learned the leverage of aligning their energy. They are going about creating their lives the hard way. They are trying to use their actions to create what they want.

We have also been programmed that in order to have what we desire we must work hard. How many times have you heard -- "No pain, no gain." The implication of that if you want to make something of yourself, you must work hard. The message is clear -- if you are not hurting or struggling, you are not moving forward.

But here is the truth -- anytime you are struggling you are miscreating. Anytime you feel pain or struggle, your magnetic point of attraction is directed to that which you do not want, rather than to that which you desire. Read it again!

Action is the Last Step in the Creation Process

Actions are necessary, but they are not the last component of the creation processes. Actions cannot be used effectively to initiate results, because initiation is the function of BEING, then thought, then action.

Remember, the creation of anything is through your vibration. Everything vibrates, and it is by that vibration that we harmonize and attract experiences to ourselves. So before you act or do anything, first ask yourself, how am I vibrating? How do you tell? You tell by how you FEEL. Your feelings show you your vibration How you feel determines what you attract.

When you use the process of creating by only focusing on what you want instead of what you don't want, you will see that the universe will provide a different set of circumstances for you that requires much less action. This puts you in a state of "doing without doing" or action without effort.

Excerpted from Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson

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Nightingale-Conant: You Become What You Think

ABE - Abraham Hicks


Through the power of your thought, and through the power of your intentions, you will draw those beings to you who are harmonious in intent with you. And you will repel those beings who are not in harmonious intent with you.

If your intentions are not clear, then you will attract confusion, but as you are more specifically defining, in every day, what you want, then you will, more specifically draw those individuals to you that will enhance that.

As you attract those of like intent, you will have joyous interaction. And as you recognize that the others who are of different intention need not influence your life experience or be attracted into it then you will no longer feel that you need armies to protect yourself or barricades to keep the others away from you.

Then you will understand that by the power of your thought you will not invite them into your experience.

Abe Calendar page 719


If you will look upon this time as a refreshing new beginning whereby you will utilize your own creative ability, you will find yourself filled with excited anticipatory emotion rather than an emotion of dread or fear.

As you set forth, through the power of your thought, a picture of that which you would like to experience, you will begin attracting others who are in harmony with those thoughts.

You all create from your current perspective, and ordinarily that perspective changes very slowly.

But the events that are taking place upon your planet will jolt you into a new perspective and many of the beliefs, and many of the habits, that have bound you to old perspective will no longer exist in your experience.

We encourage you to begin envisioning your life experience as you would like it to be, and we encourage you to be sensitive to the way that you feel as you set these thoughts into motion, seeking always that positive emotion that indicates deliberate and positive creation.

The Law of Attraction will assist you, for as you think of that which you want other thoughts will be attracted until you have completed the picture.

And since your actions always follow the path of your dominant intentions, you will find yourself very busily readying yourself for the exciting time that is before you.

Abraham Calendar p753

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Regular Support - Monthly

Nightingale-Conant: You Become What You Think

Episode 20 - Law of Abundance

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Manifesting Intention Blogs


Regular Support - Monthly

Nightingale-Conant: You Become What You Think