Friday, December 28, 2007

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Run Your Car On Water

Run Your Car On Water Right Now

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Monday, October 1, 2007

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Something To Know...

By SyGnUs

Subject: Something You Really Need to Know....
Body: Awsome Post !
From: *♥Amy~Peacemaker♥*

Loving Thanks to


All thoughts create - therefore, from this point forward - I create all circumstances and outcomes for absolutely everything.

Everything is provided for in every way. My thoughts - my words - they are the truth, for me. They are my magic wand. They create what "I Will" for them "To Do".

Everything I now have, I created by my thoughts. Everything I see - I spoke "Into Being". [Everything Has Purpose] in [It's Existence].

I now live in a place beyond my own expectations - full of warmth, joy and love. Friendship, healing and fulfillment are my experiences now.

I live "in heaven", which is on earth. It is my present moment; my present awareness and understanding. This is my "forever abode" - everywhere I look, direct my attention to, I see the fulfillment of my words [my thoughts], as no longer the dream I first viewed. For I have lived in so many dreams, surrounded by many illusions, that which I had created for myself - but Now, now I live my reality, of heaven on earth.

All power is mine. Everything I want, is provided - even before I have need of it, before I even think to ask. People appear, opportunites happen, doors open - I attract all I need and want, for I know the truth in all things Now. That is, This Place, was never meant for "separation" of myself from what is my power.

This Place was meant for experiencing the awareness of the awaken to "remember", who I AM.

I Am ONE with the universe. I Am, and have, the mind, of that which we call God. This spirit, of IT, is in me, I AM this, in this body. I command the unlimited energies and power, of the Whole, which has no measure - no beginning - no end - the "circle" of life is ETERNAL. Love is It's "Complete Being".

Everything I do is blessed, and I receive without end. I give also, without lack to do so. My body, every cell within, radiates truth, perfection, purity...all of IT cooperates together in rich fullness.

I have no fear, for nothing remains to be mind is clear - whole - connected. Where there is Light [information], darkness receeds...thus fear was only, what was not known.

I Am thankful for all that I have, and receive. I have noticed, that to give and receive puts me within the middle of "the flow", of the universe. All of my thoughts produce what I desire - the reason to exist. To create after themselves. and to return to me, their source, to bless.

First there is silence - then there is thought. Darkness only means, no light - no thought - silence. Light only means light - an idea - thought. These are not separate.

For darkness must "Be', before light can be shown - Light creates out of darkness. They are ONE. In darkness, what is real can not be seen and we fear what might be there. And what is Light but to show what is Real. And what is real is beyond all imaginations. We find darkness to have only been an we understand what the Light is for....and this is LOVE.



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I believe.

I allow myself to

believe in

my own wonder

and goodness.

I allow myself

to believe.

I am worthy of love.

I am deeply

worthy of grace,

of respect,

of the unending love of

a generous universe.

In my deepest and

highest and widest,

I not only

deserve all of this,

I am all of this.


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We Are Flowing...

We absorb what others have written, and what they talk about. We take what we feel we need, and leave the rest.

We've discovered that this is also what happens to us lifetime, after lifetime. The "body" has died many times in the past - the consciousness, renewing the soul that we are, expands within itself, taking what it needed, and leaving the rest.

From lifetime to lifetime, we reveal - remember, more and more of our true selves. Not only are we remembering, but we are expanding, by our very experiences.

In this present moment, we are in bodies of flesh, yet, we are "light bodies", eternal. We come and go as, we, as our souls, tend to the universe at large.

We experience this in meditation, prayer, silence and sleep. Those of us who sometimes continue to "leave it up to the mind" (ego) to "do our thinking", and telling the body what actions to take...find ourselves, "lost"...unaware...

This body is one of the most incredible functioning devices ever created, by us. And here we sometimes let the ego, the human self, run it, usually without any direction or information. We just let it run till it "quits". We watch the unfolding.

But blame not the ego...blame not the human self. All direction comes from the soul...ourselves. Do we not sit in complete command of what we would create? Would we not have the perfect plan already within our knowing?

Therefore, we are already utterly perfect, and whole. We sit and watch this part of ourselves, like a father looking on lovingly at his child. Like a mother watching her offspring burst forth in triumph and victory.

We animate everything we create. We bring life to a matter. We are the energy that is within that which is created. Our expression is through what is created by us. And creating with love, creates lovingly.

As we create, and express through the bodies we infuse with ourselves, we expand by these experiences. From one liftime to the next; one body to the next, we absorb the energy of the experiences into our wholeness, expand. We take what we need and leave the rest.

We have taken nothing that was not ours to take. We are completely giving of all that is needed to express ourselves fully within any body. All powers of ourselves, which is all powers of the universe, are ours to use for any experience, we are one, only seen as more than one soul, for yet a "different" experience. And every created body only appears separate...contrast is good.

We inhabit these bodies of flesh to play. We even created one of the best helpers we could have, so far. We put ego in the body to run operations, the interface. And what a fine help it has been, constantly going, never taking a break.

We told it to do whatever it took to "experience", and to create any experience it could decide on. We enjoyed this very much...we await such expression with glee. We told it to ask for anything it ever needs, and instantly, it will be so.

No limits, no rules, nothing will stop it......decide, and it is. Simple as that.

However, we also take note of this ego's demand for more...more...more...more.

It has believed itself to be masterful, and all powerful. It has believed it is all there is, self contained. Forgetting it's true purpose.

We chuckle so hard about this...yes, we laugh....A LOT.

You see, we created these very bodies for our purposes, to experience. We experience many things with them. We can not judge what is but our creation, our extended experience. We give FREE WILL for the experience to be created, "lived", and pondered on.

The very vessel itself, the body, is for the freedom of our Will. Now the ego can and does create, by extention, avenues for our will to express, yet, sometimes it has decided it is more than our will, that it is, more than it will do. It is when the ego has decided "to do", that it becomes separated, asleep. Our will is complete and perfect, nothing needs to be done.

When the ego experiences itself, as "in the flow", what it is meaning is, it has stopped doing. It has stopped trying to direct the flow of what is perfectly flowing from abundance, without is already done. We take care of everything....come now, you don't just have all the power of the universe, of ourselves and not use it, do you?

We inhabit these bodies...we are writing and reading this "matter of experience" at this moment.Time has come full circle in an this moment. No Time.

We love children...just new expressions of ourselves. We watch as they they begin to question, as we give the answers, and watch them respond, develop, become more. Therefore, our bodies, our creations are merely children of ourselves...we like watching ourselves become is our nature.

Children have no problem being what they will. They are being us. When the will is expressed, there is nothing to do, for it is done, and why children run, and laugh, and play...for that is what it is to "be in the flow", all of the energy in the universe stands ready to play.

The ego forgot this was about playing, playing out our will as ourselves. And as any father, as any mother, we simply watch, and wait, and give, till the ego glances over from it's routine of doing, and we respond, with ourselves, fully flowing.

We are flowing...



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Sunday, July 29, 2007

If It Comes...

If it comes to your comes to be healed, to be made whole, to be blessed, to be LOVED.

It was told about how a man was very fearful of the water. When a healer looked into it, looked back, even into a former lifetime, was found where he was an old man, coughing, choking, laying on the beach, after a ship-wreck.

The healer sent love into the experience, from times past, to that event, and the man, in his present awareness and experience, was no longer fearful, healed.

When anything "comes to mind", regardless of what you believe it to be; from the past, a fearful thing of the future, a present experience....all that is required is for you to become aware, IT presents itself for, your attention, your blessing, your healing...Your Love. Send Love into it, pour it in to overflowing...and IT BECOMES TRANSFORMED..."in the twinkling of an eye".

It has been told about the woman who was fearful of the man she loved, cheating on her. She didn't know where it seemed to come from, but it was there. He said he loved her, and never would, do that. She belived him, yet, sometimes....

It was remembered that in her previous relationship, she had never even had the thoughts of her mate cheating, and after many years, he told her he had been cheating.

It was pointed out to her, that she never thought of it before because there was no awareness of this thing, at least noticed. Yet, in the present, she was shown that THIS was being brought to her attention now, for healing, for blessing, for love. And by sending that part of her, the experience Love...she became Whole again, and no longer felt or experienced the trust issues.

When IT comes to you...something from long ago, perhaps even from a past life...something from yesterday, or potentially tomorrow...when you hear about it on the news, or through the grapevine...regardless of how it arrives to your consciousness, IT is there only for this be be be made whole...and it is simply done by - Sending It Love Over-Flowing...and Your Will Is Done.


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Monday, July 9, 2007


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Monday, June 4, 2007

Rapid Acceleration & On-Going Miracles

From: *Karen~Karma*

♥Thank You And Blessings to &hearts


The energy has finally shifted, and we should be feeling more ease, peace, and certainly a gentler climate indeed. And this is when many more supports will finally begin arriving as well. Much sifting and sorting has occurred…what no longer fits us is seemingly departing in a sudden and sometimes surprising way, as we are being matched with what now fits us…so what now fits us is now in our very immediate space.

And in this space of higher realms reality, we are the masters of our own creations and certainly our own reality. We are creating our own prisons through our mis-perceptions, beliefs, and how we run our energy, but we are also creating our own heaven as well.

It is truly up to each and every one of us. The new reality says "What do you want or expect?" and then it gives it to us on a silver platter. The possibilities are endless now, and manifesting is extremely rapid. Yes, there is indeed rapid, rapid acceleration with our manifestations and our movement forward, and at times, it is difficult to keep up!

These energies of the higher realms are so very awesome, that when anything enters our space that is not vibrating high, or if we have to do something from the old world reality, we can become literally enraged, very angry, or at best, a bit cranky and we may not know why. The gap and contrast is so great at this point in our evolutionary process, that we can feel it intensely.

The new reality is absolutely here, and we need only go there to experience the many gifts that it has to offer. How do we "go there?" you might wonder. Look at the highest version of everything, look at the best scenario, look at what is already here for you that you are so very grateful for, and focus on these things as much as possible.

Get "on a roll" with all the miracles and you will begin to experience only those! Appreciate, appreciate, appreciate, and you will have more and more to appreciate.

The higher realms are most certainly here in front of us, and we need only connect to them by seeing them, accepting them, and focusing our attention there instead of in any old world lower vibrating reality. We can easily step into this new reality by leaving or stepping out of the old one.

These are now times when all we have learned about creating and running our energies can be implemented in monumental ways, as the results will be immediate and miraculous. And in addition, being that the higher realms magnifies so much of everything, you will immediately know as well, if you need to tweak or look at any patterns within yourself that you may want to change, as you will feel and experience them in a very magnified way!

So if you have been living and being, utilizing higher ways of running your energy for awhile (positive and light-filled focus, for example), you will be right in sync with the new reality and a glorious match for it.

I have never seen or experienced more miracles, synchronicities, continual communication with the non-physical beings, incredible joy and bliss, and total and complete connection to the higher realms as now. We have truly arrived. The integration and temporary separation is now over.

Get ready to watch that red carpet roll out! Get ready as we can now fully anchor into our highest dreams and visions. Negative thinking and fear based thoughts are no longer real, as they do not exist in the higher realms. We are only making them up, as what is before us cannot possibly match an undesirable scenario. Those days are gone.

This energy alert is a bit briefer than most, as I will be getting married (very suddenly for the first time at age 53!), on May 5th, so the next energy alert will most likely not be posted until after that day as well. Never one who believed or felt marriage a necessary thing, this has come as an amazing, sudden, and miraculous surprise, and totally choreographed by the ancient ones. I am greatly looking forward to sharing my miracle marriage story with you through a soon to be released excerpt of Stepping Into the New Reality.

Are you ready for a miraculous life? Are you ready to reap the bounty that is now right before you? Are you ready to receive all you have ever wanted, as we have now been totally re-born into a new life….one that does not remotely resemble our lives in the old 3 D reality?

With the new world now upon us, we are most certainly being prepared to begin its creation through our passionate hopes and dreams, as we bring forth the blueprint that we have always known was there.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,


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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The One and The Many


tHe "I" oF rIa


The One and the Many

The macrocosmos and the microcosmos, the Universal and the individual, all arise from the one truth. They are manifestations and emergents of that truth which is not affected by either. That truth is known as Formless God. When this unmodifiable, transcendent, and immanent Formless God, instead of just "being", decides on "becoming", that consciousness is best designated as "God", "Iswara" or "Almighty". The Divine ground of everything that is, is the spiritual Absolute called Paramatman, or Overself. It is also the ground, the base, the core, the reality of man.


But in spite of "becoming", which is only an illusion imposing multiplicity on the One Being, it remains one. So long as inquiry is postponed, only the multiplicity is known. The multiplicity is neither real nor unreal. it is relatively real, temporarily real, pragmatically real, mithya, - a combination of truth and falsehood, apparently real but fundamentally unreal, real for most practical purposes, but unreal when the basic nature is unraveled. Mithya is the mixture of truth and falsehood, the knowledge of the serpent which is negated when the knowledge of the rope is won (i.e. a rope seen in darkness appears to be a snake until the light reveals it to be unreal).


The clouds appear to be stuck to the sky; so, too, maya (the tendency to conclude that what the senses tell us is true, or to project our preferences and prejudices on to the world around us) gives us an untrue picture of the Formless God. It makes us believe that the world is real. Its impact warps our reasoning process, our sensory impressions, and our views on God, on creation, and on man. It spreads before us a diversity which tantalizes and deceives.


The basic truth upon which primal illusion projects its kaleidoscope is described by seers as the Omnipresent Universal Consciousness (Sath-Chith-Ananda). This does not mean that the Formless God has three attributes: namely, It exists beyond time and space, It knows and can be known, and It is the source and acme of bliss. They are not three distinct characteristics; they indicate the One, of which the three can be grasped by experience - not by words, for words can only recoil before that Godhead. We cannot assert that the Formless God belongs to a class or genus, nor can it be defined by the three basic qualities. It cannot be described as performing any specific activity, for It is ever motionless. Nor can it be explained in terms of relationship with other entities, for It is One, without a second.

Illusion is only the Divine Will that inaugurated the manifestation of the cosmos - "I am one; I will to become many". Illusion is inherent in every being and every activity of that being; it has three aspects of achievement through the three modes and moods of that Will - the calm, contented, equanimous mood; the potent, passionate mood; and the inert, slothful, sluggish mood (called the three gunas of Sathvic, Rajasic, and Tamasic qualities). When illusion prompts us into the calm, wholesome mood of that Will, we become progressive seekers of the higher wisdom that reveals the unity. When we are overwhelmed by the passionate quality of that Will, we are deluded into the pursuit of worldly victories and ephemeral wealth and renown. The inert nature of that will seeks the quickest and easiest ways of happy living. These are the reflections in our minds of the basic modes of that Will that the Formless God assumes when It is moved by the primal urge to express Itself. The facets of
that Will are called wisdom, yearning, and action.

The three modes affect beings and things in various proportions and orders, and so we have all the variety and diversity of the objective world. God, individualized or universalized, is One only. The individual soul and the Universal Cosmic Soul are one and indivisible.


The philosophers of all lands and all times have sought to discover the truth about God, the objective world, and man as well as their mutual relationship. Illusion is the will that causes all three. It is a clear flawless mirror. When the calm nature is reflected in that mirror, God results; when the passionate nature is reflected, the individual soul or individualized self results. It is ever anxious to grow, to grasp, to survive, and to be secure. When inert nature is reflected, matter (the objective world) is the result. All three are the Universal Soul, but they derive their reality as Its reflections. When undergoing reflection, they attain different forms and combinations of characteristics. The One becomes many; every one of the many is real only because of the One in it. Illusion too is a component of the One; by the emphasis on that component, the One transforms itself into the many.

We know that the illusion is like a mirror. The mirror reflects within itself all that is before it. The convexity or concavity of the mirror or the covering of dust that might have settled on it will certainly blur the reflected image, but it cannot distort the objects themselves. God, world of matter, and individual soul, all three are images of the Universal Soul reflected in the mirror of illusion and warped by the human characteristics that tarnish the surface of the mirror. It is the mirror that pictures the One as many. But the One is ever One.


Neither the personalized God, nor the individualized self, nor even the objective world can ever succeed in discovering the beginning of the illusion which brought them into existence and started the chain of "act - consequence - act". Nevertheless, one can succeed in knowing when the illusion will end! When will it end? When the objective world is ignored, set aside, denied, or discovered to be inherent in the Divine, then the individual soul is no more. When the individual soul is no more, the Creator is also superfluous and disappears. And when the Creator has faded out, the Formless God alone is. Where there is no child, how can a mother exist? It is a word with no significance. When a personalized God (1), a personality separate from the rest called soul (2), and the mental creation of that soul called the objective world (3) are nonexistent in the developed consciousness of man; illusion, the forefather of all three, cannot persist.


When space is enclosed in a pot, it appears limited and small. But once released from the container, it again merges with the infinite sky. The sky is not reduced or transformed in shape or quality by being held in the container. So, too, the One Universal Soul that is pervading the bodies and lives of billions of beings is not affected by the container (body) to which it adheres for some time.


Many are affected by the problem of what caused the cosmos. How did it come into being? They advance various ideas and lay down many opposing hypotheses. But there is no need for seekers to beat about the bush so much. Just as a dream results when one is cut off from reality while in a state of sleep, the cosmos is a result of being cut off from reality by illusions while in a state of ignorance. The cosmos is as ephemeral and vagarious as a dream. It is difficult to discover laws that explain or govern its infinite mysteries. More profitable than inquiring into the mysteries is the inquiry into possible ways of benefiting by them and learning from them. It is mostly a waste of time to probe into the origin of the cosmos or to determine how it will end. You are a part of creation, so try to understand yourself and keep your goal in view


The individual has emotional, passionate, and active qualities in his composition. The quality that is inferior is the inert quality; that which is superior is the calm quality. The Creator is the wholesome reflection of the Formless God. Therefore, man must strive to rise higher into the wholesome, good realm. He must be ever vigilant not to slide down into the lower realm - the inert realm of matter and material pursuits. The teacher has to hold this ideal before the pupil and guide him towards it. He must encourage the pupil to become aware of the God within man. The word "spiritual" is used often by aspirants and instructors. What exactly is implied by "spiritual"? Is devotional singing or congregational prayer spiritual? Or does it involve repeating the Lord's name or meditation? Or does it denote religious rituals and ceremonies? Or does it extend to pilgrimages and holy places? No. These are only beneficial acts. Spiritual in its real sense relates to two progressive achievements or at least to sincere attempts towards those two achievements: elimination of the animal traits still clinging to man and unification with the Divine.


Consider how far man has succeeded in overcoming the animal inheritance of lust, greed, and hate when he spends time, money, and energy in these so called spiritual exercises. What progress does he make by listening to exponents of texts? Has man become any less bestial? This is the inquiry, this is the assessment for man to be engaged in, though this is the very task ignored by him at present.


Embodiments of the Divine Atma (God within)!

In truth, man is the encased Atman (God in flesh). He is the repository of the Infinite, Ever-full, One, Indivisible Atman (Spirit). Man, at best, remains man, satisfied with the desire to bring about goals dominant in him. Many are content with their dealings with the objective, pleasure-seeking world. Their ideal is only to amass material wealth and satisfy material needs. Examine yourselves and discover at which level you are by analyzing your desires and activities. In this way, you can yourselves redirect your thoughts and urges.


Your revised urges must have a beneficial impact on your activities, for it is through activity that human characteristics are given up or gained. Activity causes birth and death and fills up the years of one's life. It supports good and evil, joy and grief.


However, man is willfully unaware of the activities that will lighten the burden of his life and also illumine the God within. It is the inner God that illumines all, but man is in the dark about its existence. Just as everything sweet is sweet because of the sugar it contains, all things and objects are cognized because the God within is behind the cognition. It is the Universal Witness. It is the sun that activates all but never gets activated itself. You, too, must establish yourself in the position of a witness.


Fulfillment consists in rooting out the animal that lurks in man and reaching out to the Divinity that is his essence.


We find individuals and groups trudging from one sacred place to another in search of peace and prosperity. Have they rid themselves of even a few of their animal propensities? That is the test; that is their justification for the money and time they have spent and the troubles they have undergone.


When the animal is conquered and Godhead is felt within reach, man can assert that all these pilgrimages are within him. He then has no need to travel from temple to temple. And without achieving this victory you have no right to claim that you are a devotee of Rama, or Krishna, or of any other incarnation of the Lord.

This is real spiritual progress.



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