Science of Being - The God Within
Monday - January 7, 2008
From:Cara Yowell
"Finally, The Secret to Creating The Life You Always Dreamed About---Even If You've Tried Hundreds of Self-Development Programs!"
"This Amazing Forgotten Course From The 1920's Can Help You Uncover The Fortune Hidden Within You!"
Dear Truth Seeker,
I understand your dilemma. You've read all the books.
You've bought the tapes and cd's. You've gone to the seminars.
Heck you even have the t-shirt,
If you did, you wouldn't be reading this letter.
Why am I not where I want to be in my life?
Why don't I have more energy?
Why don't I have more money?
All fair questions. And you know what?
It's not your fault.
You've been searching and you've gotten a lot of answers,some of them good ones. But many of them were only partial answers.If your current personal development book or program is only about the mind,beware.
Something is being left out.
For centuries, people just like you have been searching for the truth. And some were able to find what they were
looking for by studying with a Baron in the 1920's.
Before I reveal this life changing information,I'd like to share a little story with you.
My name is Cara Yowell and I love The Secret DVD. I showed it to my sales staff back in October 2006 and sales went through the roof. I showed it to my parents and my father's chiropractic practice was rejuvenated. It's great stuff. But I have found that people don't always have the necessary information to keep going forward with
their lives after watching it. After the initial excitement wears off, they are back to square one.
So what should you do?
First,what if I told you I stumbled upon a long forgotten work that revolutionized my life?
It's true.
Just 3 years ago I was was diagnosed with clinical depression. I had chronic fatigue, aches and pains, and very low self-esteem. Getting out of bed was a major accomplishment! And I had studied self-development, metaphysics and Reiki for years! Because of the anti-depressants and poor eating habits, I gained a lot of weight. With no energy to exercise, you can imagine the vicious circle
I was in.
Can you relate?
I hope not, but if you can I want you to know there is a way out of misery and mediocrity.
My income was lower than it had been in 15 years. Things were so bad I had to quit my job and live off of my meager savings.
Imagine having no energy,being depressed, defensive,totally introverted and no income! Yikes!
I bet you've had days when life has lost it's luster.
But I was bound and determined to find a better way.
Bet you are,too.
The way out for me began by stumbling upon a forgotten work by the Baron Eugene Fersen.
Since utilizing the information in this rare course, I was able to find the cause of my depression and correct it.
Yes, correct it without anti-depressants!
And I've lost 40 lbs(still have a few more to go).
That's a miracle in itself. If you've ever tried to lose weight,
you know what I mean!
My income has quadrupled (yep,you read it right) since putting the simple information in this book to use.
I am buying my first house…something I thought I could never do by myself.
And most importantly, I now love my life, myself, and others.
If I can change my life with this information,
I know you can too!!
Check here if you'd like to experience the following:
Would you like to have energy again?
Do you remember the movie Cocoon? A group of older folks discovered a virtual fountain of youth in their alien next door neighbor's swimming pool. Using the information by the Baron Eugene Fersen is like finding that swimming pool without having to deal with any aliens! After you've applied it, you will feel like you've discovered the secret of rejuvenation because you will regain your youthful energy!
Would you like to generate Wealth?
Once you know the real secret behind wealth creation, you'll never have to worry about money again. And guess's not what you think.
Would you like to experience real happiness?
Picture this, you waking up in the morning thankful and happy to be alive! In fact, you have a knowing smile on your face. Any negative vibes that try to worm their way into your consciousness don't stand a chance. Why? Because you are armed with the knowledge to send them running for the hills!
Would you like to experience real passion?
Discover your passion and you become unstoppable. The techniques revealed by the Baron Eugene Fersen lead you to discover(or rediscover) your passion.And once you know it, life will take on a whole new meaning for you!
Would you like to know your life's purpose?
If you have been searching for your purpose in life, look no further. The Baron Eugene Fersen can show you how to find it.
It's all in the Lessons I'm about to share with you!
(Science of Being) opens your eyes to the intangible elements with which you have to deal and delivers into your hands the conscious control of your own Destiny. You will know how to restore your bodily health when you are ill and how to increase your vitality and energy when you are well. You will develop your mental faculties to the highest degree.You will stabilize your emotional side, replacing fear by Confidence, nervousness by Poise and worry by Peace and Harmony.
Baron Eugene Fersen
"Discover the Greatest Goldmine of Practical Information On How To Create Your Dream Life Crammed into 27 Lessons."
Feel Better about Yourself and Others
Have the Energy to Complete All Your Tasks and Have Plenty Left Over
Be More Creative
Feel Great
Attract More Money
Improve Your Relationships
Overcome Bad Habits
Have Procrastination Be A Thing Of The Past
Learn Information Faster and Retain it
Transmute Negative Thoughts
It teaches you to attune yourself intelligently to the gigantic ebb and flow of those Cosmic Currents, in such fashion as to enlist their full power to help you
reach your goal, instead of unconsciously opposing yourself to them.
Baron Eugene Fersen
Let me ask you something personal: How long have you been purchasing self-help books, cd's/tapes and videos?
How many seminars have you attended?
If you are like me, you've probably spent tons of money and time!
It all has value, but if it worked completely would you have to keep searching for something better?
Do you have the sneaking suspicion that something is missing?
"Finally! Discover the Missing Link in
By The Baron Eugene Fersen"
"This course is 27 lessons and 716 pages of practical information on how to change your life for the better!"
Attract Good Things Into Your Life
Understand What is Behind The Law of Attraction
Have The Power To Change Any Situation
Appear and Feel Younger
Build a Better Body
Be a Great Judge of Character
Succeed in Business
Radiate Charisma and Self-Confidence
Conquer Fear
Let's have the Baron Eugene Fersen tell you in his own words what this course is all about:
All those parts need in order to pour forth into realization their measureless treasures of latent possibilities is the proper correlation one to another and to the Power which drives them. That is the end which it is the purpose of this Course to accomplish, so that you may be able, through the development of your own inherent qualities and forces, to experience to the full in this earthly existence the ultimate of all human desires-
Health, Success and Happiness.
Baron Eugene Fersen
exercises and questions to help you make good use of the information .The Baron Eugene Fersen left no stone unturned for your success. It's all in the Science of Being: 27 Lessons..
health, wealth, success, love,business, parenting.
It even talks about the secret of the fountain of youth!
You may be wondering, - "Who is this Baron Eugene Fersen?"
"Introducing the Teacher of The
Master Teachers"
late 1800's through the early 1900's. Some names you might recognize who were influenced by Eugene Fersen,according to
Laura Taylor-Jensen, Chief Lightbearer (third generation), were
Charles F. Haanal, author of The Master Key System, and new thought publisher Elizabeth Towne.
Elizabeth Towne was the publisher of Wallace Wattles'
The Science of Getting Rich.The Science of Getting Rich is the book Rhonda Byrne,producer of The Secret DVD, is holding in her hand when she speaks of getting a book from her daughter that contained the Secret.
I wonder if the Baron Eugene Fersen taught Wallace Wattles?!
We also know he taught Mark Twain, Rudolph Steiner,and Max Freedom Long . The Baron Eugene Fersen also taught classes on Mesmerism in Hawaii and is mentioned in Max Freedom Long's book
The Secret Science Behind Miracles. I like to think of the Baron Eugene Fersen as the "Grandfather of the Modern Huna Movement."
You'll be studying with the man who taught them all!
Why haven't you heard about the Baron Eugene Fersen before?
Maybe the time wasn't right…until now!
Wallace Wattles once said: "... if there is a particular book you need to read it will be placed in your hands at the right time."
This is the right book. And you have an opportunity for it to be placed in your hands NOW. Is it the right time for you?
The lessons are basically divided into three parts to develop each part of the human being:BODY,MIND,SPIRIT. The first nine lessons address the body and the material plane. The second nine lessons address the mind and the mental plane. The third nine lessons address the soul and the spiritual plane.
There was no "official" table of contents published with this 1927 course that I can find. But here's a description of the Lessons.
(Part I: BODY)
Lesson 1 Introduction. Universal Life Energy.
Lesson 2 Making Contact with Universal Life Energy(my favorite lesson!)
Lesson 3 Examples of the use of Universal Life Energy in Ancient Times and
from the late 19th and early 20th century
Lesson 4 Your Body as a Radio and Physical Development
Lesson 5 How to Use Universal Life Energy In Your Daily Life
Lesson 6 How to Use Universal Life Energy in Business(great for sales!)
Lesson 7 How to Use Universal Life Energy at School and in Sports
(for student,teacher,coach and athlete)
Lesson 8 Swallow Up the Spectre of Poverty!
Poverty as a Disease and How to Treat it
Lesson 9 How to Use Universal Life Energy to Heal Yourself and Others
(and ward of the attacks of time!)
But wait!
There's more...
Lesson 10 The New Science of Mind
Lesson 11 Unveiling the Mystery of Subconscious(ness)
Lesson 12 Explanation of Mental Laws and Selfconsciousness
Lesson 13 Building Mental Faculties:Character Reading,Thought Reading,
Establishing Equilibrium
Lesson 14 SUCCESS:What it is and How to Obtain it
Lesson 15 How to Use Mental Laws to Obtain Your Desires
Lesson 16 Why Money Is Your Friend and How to Attract and Control it
Lesson 17 Self-Reliance,Your Thoughts, and the Rebound Effect
Lesson 18 How to Develop Intuition and Access to the Cosmic Mind
And even more...
Lesson 19 Soul: Is there a Soul and what is it?
Lesson 20 Exact Relation between Your Soul and Your Body
How to Transform Your Body in Accord with Your Desires
Lesson 21 Revelation of Your Own True Self
Lesson 22 Personality - How to Express Individuality through Personality
The Power Of Attraction
Lesson 23 Soul Vibrations
Lesson 24 Affinity of Souls and How to Transmute Bad Characteristics
Lesson 25 LOVE: The Law of Attraction
Lesson 26 How the Development of Body, Mind and Soul Work Together
Lesson 27 Man No Longer a Slave,but a MASTER!
Following Each Lesson Are Practical Exercises To Help You Apply Information In Your Life!
And let me tell you, these exercises work!
If you follow the course and take action, you will experience miracles in your life!
Maybe you are still wondering why you haven't heard about this information before now? Well, I can't prove it as of of this writing, but I believe it was suppressed by successful people who did not want this information going out to the public at large. Even
The Master Key System was banned by the Anglican Church in 1933! But I believe the time is right for this information to be made available to those who are seeking.This book isn't easy to find.
It kind of dropped in my lap,so I feel it is my duty to make it available to you.
It is no coincidence you have come to this page. With all the media buzz about The Secret DVD and the Law of Attraction, people want to know the truth. What the Baron has to share with you goes beyond the Law of Attraction.
You could say it is the secret behind The Secret.
Baron Eugene Fersen
Baron Eugene Fersen's original students. You'll receive your lessons all at once!
"Dig Up Your Own Buried Treasure"
I have to confess, it almost broke my heart to disassemble this great work so you could receive it in the form the author intended. That's right, these are scanned from the original works, complete with some underlines! When you read Science of Being: 27 Lessons, it will be just like you've discovered a buried treasure in an old trunk in your grandmother's attic. Or better yet, in the back of an old musty bookstore, hidden behind something less appealing.
You know the feeling!
But wait! There's more!
Because I believe so strongly in how the forgotten works of
Baron Eugene Fersen can make a positive difference in
your life,I've decided to offer his other work as a bonus.
You can now own the complete Science of Being Duology.
But you have to act soon!
Special Super Bonus!!!
The Science of Being by Eugene Fersen
The Book that started it all! Only 5000 copies were originally printed. Just today I saw an original copy for sale for $400!
I heard a rumor that this book inspired the sound track for
Jonathan Livingston Seagull..but I have no way of confirming it.
Here's a peak at what's inside:
The Great Principle
The Pyramid of Life
The Five Statements of Being
The Three Attributes of Divinity
Scientific Definition of Man
Questions and Answers
The Mental Contact
The Star Exercise
Qualities of Universal Life Energy
Causes of Physical Discomfort
Human Emotions
Use of the Magnetic Force in Modern and Ancient Times
Concentration of the Magnetic Force in Inanimate Objects
Questions and Answers
The Origin of Matter
Aspects of Matter
Scientific Definition of Matter
The Universe
The Law of Attraction
The Universe, the Worlds, and the Law of Attraction
Indestructibility of Energy, Substance, the Universe, and the Soul
Scientific Definition of the Soul
Soul the Basis of Man's Existence
Incarnation of Soul in Matter
The Human Body and How to Sustain It
The Material Body in its Last Analysis
Questions and Answers
The Human Aura
The Use of Universal Life Energy in Daily Life
Healing by Use of Universal Life Energy
Magnetic Chemicalization
Magnetic Sleep
Success and Prosperity
Questions and Answers
Laws of the Absolute
The Law of Life and of Spirit
The Great Law
The Law of Vibration
Laws of the Relative
The Law of Polarity
The Law of Rhythm
The Law of Gender
The Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Love
The Law of Evolution
Questions and Answers
Mental Vibrations
The Telepathic Apparatus
The Concentrated Thought
The Self-Consciousness and the Sub-Consciousness
Mental Laws
The Power of the Concentrated Thought in Daily Life
Mental Treatments
Mental Self-Protection
Mental Self-Treatments
Treatments at a Distance
Questions and Answers
The Way to Obtain Spiritual Power
Theory of Spiritual Vibrations
The Baptism by Fire
The Two Roads
The Origin of Evil
The Legend--- "The Dream"
Questions and Answers
Special Quick Start Bonus: Simple Ways to Increase Your Personal Power In 24 Hours or Less: How To Break Out of A Funk And Raise Your Energy with Easy Techniques You Can Use At Home by Cara Yowell
Yes, I wrote this book and I've tested all the techniques in it and they work! You'll also get a special bonus section:
Wacky Ways To Bust Funk!
If you need to change your mood quickly, this information will
come to your rescue!
Will you experience the following?
Attract More Money
Build a Better Body
Enhanced Creativity
Increased Energy and Vitality
Balanced Moods
Youthful Appearance
Better Relationships
Right Use of Will
How to Use The Law of Attraction
Develop Your Intuition
Succeed in Business
Become Healthier
Conquer Fear
All the possibilities for a better life and each Lesson comes out to a $1.81 a piece AND you get the Science of Being, complete with original calligraphy and artwork, for FREE! AND you get Simple Ways to help you get started changing your life IMMEDIATELY!
"To top it all off, I'm also giving you an
iron-clad, no hassle guarantee !"
But I'd be willing to bet you'll be smiling like the cat who ate the canary after you apply this material because you will know you've gotten a great deal. This is the closest thing to real magic you might ever experience.
You might be thinking,"All this sounds great,Cara,but how much does it cost?" Fair enough. But first,let me ask you this:
How much would you give to learn how to tap into the power that not only resides within you, but powers the whole
How much have you already spent on books, vitamins, courses and practitioners?
How much is your well-being really worth to you?
People have paid over $400 for the Science of Being book alone! But you won't have to pay $400, no you can get the two
books in the Science of Being Duology for much less that that!
Good luck even finding Science of Being: 27 Lessons.
Because this information is rare and priceless,
I think $97 is a fair price. Don't you?
But I wanted to make it affordable for everyone who had the courage to change their life for the better. So for a limited time,
The Science of Being Duology can be yours, not for $97, but for only $49. That's almost 50% off. And you get Simple Ways
to help you experience immediate change.
Don't wait because I will be raising the price.
This information is worth so much more.
You will now know the Secret.
I wonder what you will do with it?
Will you create more money for yourself?
Have an abundance of energy?
Feel great?
![Cara Yowell Queen of Metaphysics](
It's now up to you."
Cara Yowell
When you order,you'll receive over 1000 pages of
Baron Eugene Fersen's life-changing information! For only $49.
If you bought this elsewhere, you'd easily pay $97 or more for the printed works…if you can find them! Science of Being alone,went for over $400. And the Science of Being:27 Lessons is very hard to find.$49 for both works plus Simple Ways for immediate download is a bargain. No shipping costs or heavy boxes or waiting!
Plus if you are not happy with what the Baron Eugene Fersen has to teach you, you have 56 days to return it for a refund. So what do you have to lose?
Here's how to order right now!
Click here for an instant download of the ebook. Once your credit card, debit card, PayPal, or echeck payment is approved,
you'll be taken to a special download page where you'll download the ebook along with your FREE Bonuses.
Purchase On line with all major Credit Cards, Debit Card, or eCheck by Secure Server through ClickBank
Click On The Button Below
To Access Our Secure Order Form
It doesn't matter if it's 2:00 a.m. in the morning!
You'll be downloading and reading the Science of Being Duology which includes the Science of Being: 27 Lessons and the Science of Being as well as Simple Ways in just a few minutes... and you'll be on your way to living the life you've always dreamed was possible!
This work changed my life. I know it can do the same for you.
To your success and well-being,
Cara Yowell
P.S. Take action. Order this life changing information while it is fresh on your mind. The Universe will meet you more than half way when you take a step in the direction to change your life for the better. This could be your step.
Click Here to Order Now!
P.P.S. This treasure will be sold for $97. The introductory price of $49 is a "Buy it NOW before I change my mind." offer.
Quite frankly, I'm considering offering the Science of Being as a stand alone product.
Click Here to Order Now!
P.P.P.S. You know… you reading this page is no mere coincidence.
Call it synchronicity. Call it the Law of Attraction.
Call it "when the student is ready the teacher will appear."
The Baron Eugene Fersen was an excellent teacher and he can be one for you,too.
It doesn't matter that you've spent years searching and probably lots of money on things that have let you down.
What matters is you kept searching.
Look back at your life and now accept you had to go through everything to be ready to utilize this system.
If you had found the works of Baron Eugene Fersen any earlier, it would've been like planting seeds in unfertile soil.
The truth is now knocking at your door.
Will you answer?
Click Here to Order Now!
Iron-clad No Hassle Guarantee
100% no questions asked guarantee. if you are not completely satisfied we will refund your order within 56 days of purchase without a fuss - no questions asked!
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