Monday, April 9, 2007

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February 6th, 2007 by Steve Pavlina

This evening I was organizing some files on my computer, and I found a transcript of an old channeling session I did on the subject of desire. I read through it and saw that it was an interesting take on the Law of Attraction, so I figured I’d share it.

Channeling is similar to automatic writing, except that you aim to tune into a spirit guide, deceased person, astral entity, or some other non-physical being. You ask questions and allow their answers to flow through you. If that explanation is too new agey for you, then just think of it as a conversation with a projection of your subconscious mind. The precise paradigm isn’t that important, so try not to throw a conniption fit over the concept if it doesn’t fit into your favorite belief system. What’s important is whether or not you find the answers useful. Do they help you see things in a new light? Do they allow you to solve problems that were previously troubling you?

I got really into channeling about 4-5 years ago and recorded dozens of pages of material. I haven’t done much of it since then, but every once in a while I give it a go. I’m often amazed at the stuff that comes through.

These excerpts are from a channeling session I did with Quan Yin, goddess of compassion, on April 18, 2006. The questions are mine; the answers are hers.

What is the nature of desire?

Ultimately the nature of desire is to help you raise your awareness and bring you back to love. You can truly have whatever it is you desire. It is not the nature of the universe to deny your wants.

When the universe fulfills some of your desires, in even the smallest degree, how do you receive them? Do you disdain them? Do you wish you never wanted them? Or do you accept them with appreciation and gratitude? How you receive these gifts will determine how they continue to come into your life.

So if you want to improve your ability to manifest what you want and enjoy your manifestations even more, then receive all your experiences with appreciation and gratitude. Welcome them. Ask for more of them. Be thankful for them. And they will increase.

This works with anything you desire — food, wealth, health, sexual expression, and so on. Feel gratitude for what you do have, and you will experience increase.

Why does desire work like this?

It is unfortunate to desire something, to receive it, and then not to enjoy it much, is it not? Your natural state of being is joy. But in order for you to experience joy, you must learn to en-joy. You must recognize the joy within all your experiences. Being thankful increases your experience of joy. So the universe works to teach you to be thankful such that you can increase your enjoyment and thereby your experience of pure joy. You do not actually need anything physical to experience joy, but it is through the manifestation of your physical desires that you come to know how to experience joy.

As you pursue the fulfillment of your desires, you eventually satisfy some of them. At some point you get what you want. It might be just a little at first, but you do receive something. How much do you enjoy that experience? The degree to which you enjoy it won’t affect your drive to continue fulfilling your desires. Your drive will be the same either way. Your enjoyment is your reward though. So doesn’t it make sense to enjoy what you receive as much as possible? It is not the physical size of the reward that matters. It is the scope of the gratitude you bring to it.

Imagine how your life would be if you desired something, disdained it, and then got more of it. That would be a destructive cycle, would it not? If you received more of what you hated, your life would be filled with whatever you hated. It would be unpleasant to say the least. But if your life fills only with what you are grateful to receive, then that would be a joyous existence — assuming you eventually learn to enjoy what you want.

So this is the best way for the universe to bring you what you truly want — it only brings you abundance of whatever you truly enjoy. Without joy the default is scarcity.

Back to Steve: What I find interesting about the above passages is that they seem like they could have come from the book Ask and It Is Given, which itself claims to be a channeled book. However, I wrote the above material about a month before I was even aware of that book or its authors, which happened when I attended the I Can Do It! seminar.

If you want to attract more of anything, you must effectively thank the universe for whatever it sends your way, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. To attract greater financial abundance, be thankful for every penny that comes to you even if you’re totally broke. To attract better health, be thankful for the health and vitality you’re experiencing right now even if you’re overweight and sickly. To attract better relationships, be thankful for the relationships you already have even if you spend a lot of time alone.

To be ungrateful is to assert the intention, “Don’t give me any more of this because I don’t like it.” To be grateful is to intend, “This is wonderful! Keep it coming!”
Discuss this post in the Steve Pavlina forum. Source

Steve Pavlina - Manifesting & Intention Articles

The Science of Success

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

A few weeks ago I evaluated The Science of Success program from James Ray.  James is one of the cast members of the underground hit movie The Secret, and you may have seen him on Oprah earlier this month or read my recent interview with him.  I spoke with James on the phone in January, […]

Million Dollar Experiment Manifests $4 Million

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

I just updated the Million Dollar Experiment results (the page might take a while to load due to its size).  Collectively we’re up to about $4 million with 1169 participants actually reporting results.  That’s about $3400 per person on average.  Some have manifested pennies, while others have manifested six-figure sums (myself included).

Most people who join […]


Monday, February 26th, 2007

This article continues our exploration of Polarity.  If you haven’t yet digested the first article, you’ll probably want to do so before reading this one, since now we’re going to extend those concepts even further.

A quick review

Every thought has two components:  content and energy.  Content is the data portion of a thought, and energy is the carrier […]


Wednesday, February 21st, 2007

In my last article on The #1 Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction, I stated that every intention has a content component plus an energy component, and both are equally important when it comes to applying the Law of Attraction.  At the end of that article, I asserted that the energy component of every […]

The #1 Mistake People Make When Using the Law of Attraction

Monday, February 19th, 2007

Whenever you form an intention, that intention has two primary components.  The first component is the content of the intention.  The content is the information part of your desire.  It’s whatever you decide you want, such as a new career, a better relationship, or an extra $10,000.  That part is pretty straightforward.

The second component of an intention is the energy […]

James Ray Interview

Monday, February 12th, 2007

I’m delighted to present this exclusive interview with James Ray, President and CEO of the multi-million dollar corporation James Ray International and cast member of the increasingly popular movie The Secret.

Last week James shared his insights on the Law of Attraction on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and previously he appeared on Larry King Live with other cast members of The Secret.  […]


Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

This evening I was organizing some files on my computer, and I found a transcript of an old channeling session I did on the subject of desire.  I read through it and saw that it was an interesting take on the Law of Attraction, so I figured I’d share it.

Channeling is similar to automatic writing, except that […]


Monday, January 22nd, 2007

Gratitude equals wealth.  Wealth equals gratitude.  You’ve probably heard one of those expressions before… or at least something similar.  Certainly the connection seems true on an internal, emotional level.  It’s hard to imagine feeling wealthy without also being grateful.  And if you’re truly grateful, you probably feel wealthy as well, regardless of your actual circumstances.

Because of this apparent connection […]

The Dark Side of Financial Abundance

Sunday, January 14th, 2007

One thing that holds a lot of people back from becoming wealthy is the fear that their lives will actually become worse in some ways.

There is in fact a dark side to financial abundance, but it isn’t pitch black.

Here are some items that might genuinely concern you if you dramatically increase your income or net worth:

Your […]

Heart-Centered Motivation

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2006

In 1998 I had an experience that had a deep and lasting effect on me.  Erin and I were eating lunch at a local soup and salad place, and I noticed a woman cleaning the tables nearby.  She looked very sad and depressed, as if she’d just been chastised by her supervisor or had gotten some bad news.

Erin and I didn’t […]

Manifesting Intentions Without Resistance

Monday, November 20th, 2006

Suppose you set a positive intention, focus your energy on its manifestation for the highest good of all, see the promising alpha reflection, and then watch your results completely stagnate.  Why did your intention fail to manifest as quickly as you desired?

Whenever this happens the root cause is that you failed to become a vibrational match for your intentions.  […]

Creative Observation

Saturday, August 26th, 2006

A common question I get about intention-manifestation is something along these lines:  How come when I wholeheartedly intend X to happen, I still get the opposite of X?

For example…  How come when I intend wealth, I’m still poor?  How come when I intend a new relationship, I’m still alone?  How come when I intend a new career, I’m still […]

There Is No Out There

Thursday, August 24th, 2006

A reader sent me a link to a wonderful story by Dr. Joe Vitale about a doctor who heals patients in a very unique way.  This doctor never actually sees his patients.  He heals them by healing the part of himself that created them – a real life subjective reality healer.

Here’s a short passage from the […]

The Law of Attraction

Friday, August 18th, 2006

The Law of Attraction simply says that you attract into your life whatever you think about.  Your dominant thoughts will find a way to manifest.  But the Law of Attraction gives rise to some tough questions that don’t seem to have good answers.  I would say, however, that these problems aren’t caused by the Law of […]

The Death of Skepticism

Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

Skepticism is the mindset that says, “I’ll believe it when I see it… and even then I’ll still have doubts.”  In practical terms skeptics need to see a reasonable degree of external proof before they’ll believe anything out of the ordinary.

The idea behind skepticism is fine.  It keeps people from being too gullible and being taken advantage […]

Responsibility and the Law of Attraction

Monday, August 14th, 2006

Responsibility for our lives is something we never lose but which we often deny.  As I’ve said many times before, you can give away control but never responsibility.  The ultimate responsibility for how your life turns out rests with you and you alone… not with your parents, your boss, your ex, your society, God, or […]

Empowering Beliefs

Monday, August 7th, 2006

What determines the goals you set?  The answer is your context, which is your full collection of beliefs about reality.  You’ll always set goals congruent with your current understanding of the universe.

Since no two people have the exact same context (everyone sees the world a little differently), everyone will set different goals.  Within your particular context, some […]

10 Ways to Become More Conscious

Thursday, August 3rd, 2006

Previously I wrote about 14 Reasons to Become More Conscious.  Now let’s explore the how.

What does it mean to become more conscious?  It is the progressive realization of conscious mastery over your mind.

The challenge is that it takes consciousness to grow consciousness.  But you needn’t worry about this because you already have the seed.  Think of it like fire.  […]

Ask Steve - Recommended Reading

Monday, July 17th, 2006

Could you recommend some of your all-time favorite books?


Since the early 90s I’ve been reading about a book a week, so that adds up to quite a few books.  I’ll scan my office bookshelves to recall which ones had a meaningful impact on me after I read them.

Here are some of my personal favorites in no […]

Overcoming Depression

Thursday, June 29th, 2006

Earlier this week I wrote about How to Help Negative People.  But what if you’re the one who’s feeling chronically negative?  In this article I’ll give you a process for helping yourself out of negative emotional states, not just temporarily but permanently.  For the sake of simplicity, I’ll use the example of depression, but the process works […]

Million Dollar Experiment Manifests $4 Million

Million Dollar Experiment Manifests $4 Million
February 27th, 2007 by Steve Pavlina

I just updated the Million Dollar Experiment results (the page might take a while to load due to its size). Collectively we’re up to about $4 million with 1169 participants actually reporting results. That’s about $3400 per person on average. Some have manifested pennies, while others have manifested six-figure sums (myself included).

Most people who join the MDE only sign up once and then forget about it, never bothering to report back to refresh their listing. So although there are 6000+ people on the participant list, most are not active. I might clean up the list at some point to drop those who never refresh their listings within 90 days of signing up, since the results page is becoming rather huge.

Every week I continue to hear some amazing stories of how this experiment is affecting people. It’s been fun and rewarding to see all the creative ways people are attracting greater financial abundance.

With respect to the recent articles on polarity and polarization, technically you can use either polarity to manifest money. However, the original intent behind this experiment has always been:

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone who holds this intention.

So this is actually a love-polarized intention. The idea is that we’re manifesting money to serve “the highest good of all.” As a group experiment we’re doing this cooperatively, so this isn’t a competitive race to see who gets there first. The goal is to help create more abundance for everyone who wants to experience it.

The actual polarity you bring to this experiment depends on your reasons for joining. I’ve seen many people join the MDE with a fear-based intent. They tell me the MDE is their last resort because they can’t pay their bills and they’re joining out of desperation, blindly hoping this experiment will magically solve their financial problems. They’re attempting to draw energy from this experiment instead of giving energy to it. Such a fear-based intent is incongruent with the original spirit of the MDE. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these people do well with this experiment. Usually I never hear from them again after they join, and they never return to update their results.

On the other hand, I’ve noticed that those who appear to be succeeding with the MDE almost universally embrace the love-polarized aspect of it. These people are happily manifesting instead of manifesting to be happy. Even as they sign up, they comment about how inspired they are to contribute to this unusual experiment and to create abundance for everyone. They radiate energy into the experiment rather than try to pull energy from it. These people either already have an abundance mindset, or they’re gradually adopting one. They see themselves as creating money so they can do something positive with it (some form of giving or service) instead of feeling they need the money just to feel more secure or to solve their own problems.

If you’ve been participating in the MDE, which way has your energy been flowing? Do you see yourself as giving energy to the experiment for the benefit of all? Or are you trying to drain energy from it like a vampire sucking blood? Is this something you’re doing just for yourself, or do you really care about helping others? Do you intend to use the money you receive to satisfy your own needs or to increase your ability to serve?

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll probably see that your true intentions are a mixture of both polarities. But since this is a love-polarized experiment, I suggest you view this experiment as an outlet for giving. Imagine yourself giving energy to this intention for the highest good of all, and let the universe handle the return flow. You’ll know it’s working when unexpected sums of money begin mysteriously flowing into your life. In the beginning it might start with finding some loose change — that’s how it began for me — but you can build quite a flow from there.

Join the MDE

If you’d like to participate in the MDE, you can use the free sign-up form. You can also use that form to update your results once you’ve already joined.

There’s absolutely no catch to this experiment. It’s 100% free to participate. Your email address is used only for reporting and updating your results. Your email address won’t be used for any mailing lists or any other commercial purposes.

To learn more about the MDE, visit the Million Dollar Experiment page. There are some free resources on that page to help you stay on track, including computer wallpaper images and a reminder RSS feed.

Keep manifesting abundance.
Discuss this post in the Steve Pavlina forum.

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