Thursday, December 17, 2009

How Do We Shine Our Light This Day?

Subject: "The Face of Love" sent you a message on Facebook...

Nick Ralls sent a message to the members of The Face of Love.


Affirmation for Friday December 18th

I seek to be a butterfly in both my own life and those of others... I find ways to make life brighter for others, to be more loving, to be kinder and to shine my light so that others might feel more empowered to do the same.

HOW can we light up the world this day?

What can we say that will make both our own lives and the lives of others brighter?

What can we do that will uplift those who share our journey through this life?

When we make a difference to the lives of others, when we serve others positively and provide them with a happy and joyful experience we also reap the benefits.

Because we reap what we sow.

So when we become joyful and happy and loving we also draw that energy and those experiences back into our own life.

What we give out is what we get back.

This is how the universe works.

So each time we brighten the life of another, make their day happier or more joyful we are investing in a return of that same experience to ourselves.

So it serves not only the world but also ourselves when we become a butterfly!

If we make it our intention to be an uplifting presence this day then we are doing both ourselves and others a great and fulfilling service.

And simple gestures and kind words can make all the difference.

* A smile.

* A compliment

* A hug or loving touch

* Using the words I LOVE YOU

* A random act of kindness

* Getting in touch with someone whom you have lost connection with.

The list goes on.

But there is a myriad of different ways that we can shine our light in this moment... and the next moment.

And as we shine our own light we are inviting others to do the same.

It is contagious...

Surrounding ourselves with a positive and uplifting energy also draws that response from others... and brings more of the same into our lives.

If we wish to be a love magnet... who doesn't have this desire... then we need to be more loving, feel more loved and exude that energy in both our relationship with ourselves and with others.

We need to move away from the feeling of being unloved attributed to the end of romantic relationships which have run their course or are about the other person's choices which are all about them and not about us.

We need instead to accept that we are love... and there is an abundance of love in our lives and it never goes away.

It only matters that we love... the love we have given, the love we now give and the love we will be giving.

We always get it back... if not from the person we would like the reciprocation from but from others.

So let us see how we can make the world a brighter place this day.

Both for ourselves and others.

So dear and special friend... do open your heart and share what is going on for you on this subject or any subject

I love you

