Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Seven Steps To Creation

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From: SEELOVEverywhere

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From: **RaK**

7 Steps to Creation

Step 1 Clarity

The first thing we need to establish is what we want. Remember anything is possible and all thought is creative. We will create whatever we focus our attention on;
Consequently we want to be sure we know what we want to create as the first step in this process. Most of us have spent most of out lives simply reacting to whatever happened to us. Now that we understand that we are creating whatever we are creating it is time to start creating consciously. If we do not get clear on what we want we will create whatever the subconscious believes in.

Step 2 Visualization

A visual image creates a form in mind. This form attracts the energy necessary to fill it. When this process is completed whatever we are visualizing manifests in the material world. Of course everything we visualize does not manifest. There are some other criteria for manifestation, which brings us to the next step.

Step 3 Acceptance

This is where our beliefs come in. In order to work through the acceptance step we must become conscious of our beliefs. If our beliefs do not support our visions we must change them in order to create what we want. Our visions cannot be manifested in the material world until we have accepted them in our minds.

Step 4 Focusing Attention

Focusing our attention on something automatically attracts the energy that matches whatever we are focusing on. If we believe we have a problem when we focus our attention on it we simply attract more energy to perpetuate the problem. Experiences must have energy to exist and they get that energy by our focusing our attention on them The best way to alleviate a problem is to stop giving it any attention and it will go away. We need to focus our attention on what we want to create instead of on our problems. Once we are able to powerfully focus our attention the remainder of the process is downhill.

Step 5 Intuitive Inspiration

The way we learn to listen to our intuition is by stilling the intellect. We must teach the thinking aspect of our minds to settle down. This process is called meditation. When we meditate on a regular basis we open the channel for intuitive inspiration to flow into the conscious mind whenever it is needed. When we have a question we simply ask. We go into meditation and the answer will soon appear. It comes in many different ways. Once we learn that the answers will come and we begin to expect them they come quite automatically.

Step 6 Action

This part is easy when we have worked through the other five steps. We simply follow through with whatever comes to us. The action step cannot be overlooked. However since it is the closes to the manifestation we think it is the most important. Action without the other five steps in preparation for it is usually ineffective. We usually go from a vague idea of what we want right into action. If we work hard enough and long enough we will get some results but they may not be the desired results. Even if you get the desired results it is the hard way to go.

Step 7 Manifestation

When we follow the previous six steps manifestation is automatic. It probably shouldn't even be considered a step since it is actually the result of following the other steps. However it is important that we recognize it as a part of the process. By the time we have created what we wanted we can easily overlook the fact that we actually created it. If we are aware and we observe the entire process it becomes much easier to understand exactly how we create and how we can create whatever we want.

Source: The Science of Mind

"I am that one voice, in the cold wind,
That whispers, And if you listen,
You'll hear me call across the sky".

From my heart and soul to your heart and soul


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Masters of The Secret

We're exactly one week away from one of the most
highly-anticipated grand-openings since the launch of
"The Secret" itself.

If you're getting this, it should mean at least
2 things:

#1) you already generated a preview members account
and have logged into our site.

#2) you've downloaded our 55-minute / 20-page Talking

If this is the case, then you know by now that this
project has been a quest that is 6-months in the making.

We tracked down the masters who teach, live, and detail
the application of "The Secret" everyday.

We set up the long interviews and asked the hard questions
on your behalf.

When it was all said and done, all our editing team could
say was "Holy Moly ... this is powerful."

Yup, we'd have to agree.

And, today, we're starting you off with a "preview" into
just one of the compelling interviews that will be
available to you on April 10th.

Enjoy the post here:

Your Partners in The Quest For
Mastering The Secret,

Barry Goss
"The Fox Mulder of Manifestation"

Heather Vale
"The Dana Scully of Success"



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