Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Masters of The Secret

We're exactly one week away from one of the most
highly-anticipated grand-openings since the launch of
"The Secret" itself.

If you're getting this, it should mean at least
2 things:

#1) you already generated a preview members account
and have logged into our site.

#2) you've downloaded our 55-minute / 20-page Talking

If this is the case, then you know by now that this
project has been a quest that is 6-months in the making.

We tracked down the masters who teach, live, and detail
the application of "The Secret" everyday.

We set up the long interviews and asked the hard questions
on your behalf.

When it was all said and done, all our editing team could
say was "Holy Moly ... this is powerful."

Yup, we'd have to agree.

And, today, we're starting you off with a "preview" into
just one of the compelling interviews that will be
available to you on April 10th.

Enjoy the post here:

Your Partners in The Quest For
Mastering The Secret,

Barry Goss
"The Fox Mulder of Manifestation"

Heather Vale
"The Dana Scully of Success"



* * * * *

LWL Worldwide, Inc.
1005 Terminal Way, Suite 110
Reno, Nevada 89502
United States


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