Pay-ing It Forward - Always Starts & Ends With You
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: JoeAtom8
Thanks Gentlesoul :^)
The world can seem like an unfriendly, threatening place, yet we all want safety, health, and happiness for ourselves and our loved ones. How can one ordinary person -- you or me -- make a positive difference in this world? One way is the practice "paying it forward." While the steps might be simple, the outcome could change the world.
1. Be attentive wherever you are for opportunities to help someone. Perhaps you have an elderly or disabled neighbor who is too proud to ask for help with their yardwork; or maybe you're in a restaurant and see someone who looks like they could use some kind stranger to pay for their meal. You can change people's attitudes about the world through your unobtrusive acts of kindness.
2. Do something nice for someone you don't know (or don't know very well). It should be something significant, and not for a person from whom you expect a good deed -- or anything at all, for that matter -- in return.
3. Spread the word. If the person thanks you and wants to "repay" you (that is, pay it "back"), let them know that what you'd really like is for them to pay it "forward" -- you'd like them to do something nice for three people they don't know, and ask those three people to do something nice for three more people. The idea is to consciously increase the goodness of the world.
4. Pay it forward. When you notice that somebody has done something nice for you, make a note in your mind to practice three acts of kindness towards other people, as described in Step 2.
* The "pay it forward" concept was popularized with the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde, which was later made into a movie with the same title, starring Helen Hunt, Haley Joel Osment, and Kevin Spacey.
* Even small acts, such as paying the bridge toll for the car behind you when you pay for your own, counts. If it makes the world a friendlier place, you succeeded!
* Practicing the "pay it forward" principle will make you alert to unexpected kindness from strangers toward you, and you may find yourself becoming more grateful for everyday kindness and consideration from people you don't even know.
* Most nice things done for strangers will be one-time efforts, so use your head and don't give out your name or phone number; if someone seems to expect you to provide ongoing help but you don't want to go that far, smile and tell the person that you prefer to remain anonymous.
* It can feel risky to help strangers, but trust your own good intentions and don't be afraid to go out on a limb if you believe your actions can help the person.
* Some people will not act grateful, but the benefits may still come around when you are not there to see it. Let your beneficial action be enough in itself and don't expect profuse thanks, or even any thanks at all.
Thanks for sharing
Knight Master
♥ Teri ♥
You might also try this method to all you do...
Some of you may regularly give to some religious outlet and/or charity. Some understand the "giving" or the 10% tithing. Giving and it returns many times over.
Take your 10% or whatever amount you wish to do "regularly" and place all or equal amounts into plain, unmarked envelopes. Now, give those out in such a way no one will know your doing it. Your inner guidance will direct you as to where it's needed. If you find yourself w/o this "knowing", throw it out where others will come across it. It's not for you to decide who will get it or how it will be used. The universe will take care of this.
If you try this, I promise you that it will produce the most "freeing" attitude you may have ever experienced...not to mention, the universe will respond to your own needs in more ways than you can imagine. Imagine the whole world doing this, who could possibly ever "want" for anything?
And add a little "love" to the process. Your "attention" and "intention" will garner massive energies to make it even more effective.
"There is never enough" to try this...unless you DECIDE, "there is ALWAYS enough", and DO IT.
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